Thursday 5 June 2008

Oprah Winfrey - Winfrey Celebrates Obamas Nomination

U.S. talk show queen OPRAH WINFREY is thrilled politician BARACK OBAMA has won the Democratic U.S. presidential nomination - and has promised to continue campaigning to help him win the presidency.

Winfrey sparked controversy among scores of her Hillary Clinton-supporting viewers last year (07) when she announced her endorsement of Obama's candidacy on her hit chatshow, joining him on a campaign tour of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.

But Winfrey's support and hard work appears to have paid off - the Illinois Senator was named the Democrat party's candidate for the presidency on Tuesday (03Jun08).

And Winfrey couldn't be happier the 46-year-old is one step closer to the White House.

In a statement, she says, "I'm euphoric, I've been doing the happy dance all day.

"I'm so proud of Barack and Michelle (Obama's wife) and what this means for all of us... the new possibilities for our country. And if he wants me to, I'm ready to go door to door."

Obama will now go head-to-head with Republican candidate John MCCain in the November (08) presidential elections.

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